Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd vs NASA

September 20, 2021


The moon has always been a mystery to humanity. Although human beings have been able to land on the moon, there are still lots to learn about the lunar body, especially the dark side of the moon. Interestingly, Pink Floyd's iconic album "Dark Side of the Moon" was released in 1973, a few years before NASA was able to send a spacecraft to explore the dark side of the moon. In this article, we will provide a factual comparison between the two.

Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon

The iconic album "Dark Side of the Moon" released by Pink Floyd remains one of the all-time greats of music. It sold more than 45 million copies worldwide and stayed on the Billboard 200 chart for a whopping 937 weeks. The album features a psychedelic mix of songs that explore various themes such as life, death, money, and time, making it an iconic masterpiece.

NASA's Exploration of the Dark Side of the Moon

NASA sent the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft in June 2009 to explore the dark side of the moon. The spacecraft was equipped with several instruments, including a camera that captured images of the moon's surface. The spacecraft has captured thousands of high-resolution images of the lunar surface, providing invaluable data for scientists to study the moon's geology and composition. Moreover, the mission has provided information to aid planning for future manned missions to the moon’s surface.

A Comparison of the Two Dark Sides

While Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon explored abstract themes, NASA's exploration of the dark side of the moon has resulted in a wealth of knowledge about the cosmic body. Here are some comparisons between the two:

  • While Pink Floyd's album sold 45 million copies worldwide, NASA's mission to the dark side of the moon cost $583 million.
  • Pink Floyd's iconic album is 43 minutes and 4 seconds long, while NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been orbiting the moon since 2009, gathering data continuously.
  • The album features nine songs, while NASA's mission has captured thousands of high-resolution photos, providing the most detailed mapping of the moon's surface to date.


In conclusion, while Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon remains an iconic album, NASA's exploration of the dark side of the moon has yielded invaluable data about Earth's nearest neighbour. The two have vastly different purposes, but both have inspired people to look up to the skies in wonder and amazement.


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